This is a picture that makes me happy when I am not even looking at at! One morning, I heard Dan talking to his Dad at the gate and I came out to see Danny taking pictures of Charlie dressed to go down to the market. He was playing it up in this picture with his knife out ready to "cut" the lady at market who wouldn't give him the price he wanted on melons. Mi Suegro (Father in law) is vicious:)

Here is another view of the patio at #8 Purificacion. This faces the street and shows the car parked inside the big gate. Family friend Emma takes great care of the plants and the house when Charlie is away.

Aqui es mi Esposo muy contento (my very happy hubby, approximately) eating tacos. Everyday he goes to his tortierilla for corn tortillas fresh off the comal. If I thought he was a taco fanatic in Los Estado Unidos (the U.S), I am amazed that he does indeed eat tacos for every meal here in Mexico. And when we dine at friends' homes (and these are the most incredible meals, served in courses), every meal is served with a pile of fresh, homemade tortillas. My Baby is at home.
Dear Sally and Dan,
Your posts are making me soooo homesick! Sally, Jane wants to go to Mexico with Dad (Charley) this summer - I think I'd be a blast for you to go with them. I'm hopeful Dan will be there part of the time, too.
¡Me alegro mucho que están gozando de su visita!
Please tell everyone, especially my padrinos, that I love them and miss them.
Wonderful Sister and brother-in-law,
I am so happy to read about all the adventures of your extended, extended honeymoon. It is so great to see and hear about the trip to Mexico especially. Keep the update coming and I hope we can all come with you in the future.
Love, Robin
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