The biggest market day in San Juan Teotihuacan is Monday. Many streets are blocked off and are thick with merchant stands and the crowds are abundant. They sell mesh bags for folks to combine and carry their purchases, which are all at amazingly reasonable prices. Pictured at right, is Danny sampling a mango at a fruit stand. The fruit is fresh and piling off the stand tables. We've had the best pineapple, melons, bananas, etc.

The colors and crowds at the market. Besides the large number of people out shopping, it is just nice to roam around the market and see what is for sale, including fruit, vegetables, tacos, tamales, tools, music, clothes, diapers, nuts, spices, meat, poultry, scarves, wallets, toys, candles, hats, and much more.

This is a view of the street across from the city square in San Juan. The closest building is the Panaderia (Bakery) that we go to with the yummiest bread and pandulces (sweet bread). This is no place for Atkins!