One of Charlie's Compadres passed away a few years ago, named Augustine Cano. His wife, Juanita and son, Augustine Chico still run la tienda (the store) that the family owns across from the city square en San Juan. We got to see parts of the family at La Corrida del Toros and at La Feria del Caballo, but on Monday we went to their home for a long visit and another wondful meal.

At right is Augustine Chico with his two month old son, Esbrad Sebastian (named for Brad Pitt b/c Augustine loved Troy so much). Such a sweet baby boy; tranquil and attentive, very curious and seldom made a peep.

This is a picture of me and Augustine Chicitito, who is 5 years-old TODAY! He is so much fun to play with while the other adults talk about old times. As mi Suegra (My Momma-in-law, Rhoda...who teaches Spanish) has suggested, I have been much more comfortable practicing my Spanish with Augus, because kids don't judge your language and he will even correct me casually. Also Augus is learning English in school, so he practices on me too!
We will be lucky enough to be here for his birthday fiesta on Sunday, so I will get to experience a big Mexican celebration, and if the pictures that we saw of his last several parties are any indication, this will be pretty spectacular!
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